
Ministries and Services of St. Anthonys of Padua

Altar Servers

The Altar Servers are scheduled to assist at Mass. They must have received First Holy Communion and want to make and keep the commitment to scheduled assignments.

Altar Society

The Altar Society cares for the altar and other items used in the celebration of our parish liturgies. Each week flowers are arranged for the altar, with special preparations for occasions such as Easter, Christmas, First Communion and Confirmation.

Baptismal Preparation

Baptismal preparation classes are given to assist the child’s parents to realize the commitment they are making to raise their child in a Catholic environment by: becoming an active participant in the life of the parish, attending Mass regularly, and choosing godparents that will help them raise their child in the Catholic faith.

Bible Study

St. Anthony’s offers Scripture classes in the hall on Wednesday mornings after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.

Catholic Adult Single Association (CASA) of Marin

We are single, or single again, looking for new friends and opportunities to take part in exciting social activities.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas

The Catholic Daughters are women who belong to St. Anthony’s and Our Lady of Loretto. They work together to raise funds for various charities.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

This program is for children, grades 1 through 5, during the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. The scripture readings of the day are discussed and geared towards the children’s level of understanding.

Coffee and Donuts

This group organizes coffee and donuts after the 9:00 and 11:00 masses on Sunday. Their goal is to promote community gatherings in a non-formal environment.

Eucharistic Ministers

These lay ministers serve the community by assisting the priest/deacon in the distribution of Communion at Sunday and weekday liturgies.

Finance Council

The Finance Council assists the Pastor in developing a financial plan for the parish, measures performance and monitors a system of accountability for parish financial resources which supports the Parish ministries.

The Gabriel Project

Pregnant? Worried? Need Help?
We offer you immediate, practical assistance with your pregnancy.

Grief Ministry

This ministry provides calls of support and supportive drop-in services for those grieving. They also have a yearly Mass of Remembrance honoring those of our Parish who have died in the previous year.

Helping Hands

This group provides food service for receptions after a funeral Mass.

Homebound Eucharistic Ministers

These lay ministers serve the community by bringing Communion to the homebound, and those sick at home and in nursing facilities.

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry welcomes parishioners and visitors as they enter church for our Saturday and Sunday liturgies, and invites parishioners to bring up Offertory gifts.

Knights of Columbus

This organization of Catholic men provides funds and manpower for good works throughout the parish.


Volunteers are trained to proclaim the word of God during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Lectors may also be called up to lead the Prayers of the Faithful and deliver weekly announcements at the end of Mass.

Maintenance Committee

The purpose of this group is to support and make recommendations to the pastor regarding maintenance and improvements to the parish property. Volunteers assist in various projects as needed.

Marriage Encounter

Enrich your marriage and reach a whole new level of intimacy in your relationship by attending a Marriage Encounter weekend.

Marriage Preparation

Marriage preparation is the way in which the parish helps those who are preparing to be married so that they truly realize the holiness of the union they are pledging themselves to live within. The priest must meet with those to be married at least six months before their wedding so that adequate time can be given to marriage and wedding preparation. Engaged couples are asked to participate in this program which meets four times.

Music Ministry

St. Anthony’s Music Ministry is being restructured. Currently there is a choir at the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses. Our 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass has a cantor and guitarist or organist.


This group welcomes newcomers to St. Anthony’s Parish with a bi-annual Newcomers Mass, followed by a welcome brunch.

Parish Activity Team (PAT)

This committee plans and organizes social and fundraising events to help build community in the parish.

Pastoral Council

This is an advisory group selected to collaborate with the pastor to explore pastoral issues, reflect on, and study them and make recommendations. The focus is visioning where the parish is headed and planning around pastoral issues.

Rectory Office

Make appointments for baptism, marriages, Mass intentions, counseling, donations, and general questions regarding the Parish.

Religious Education (Faith Formation)

Religious education classes are held in our parish hall weekly during the school year for grades 1 through 9. Volunteers from our parish give their time and talent in this teaching ministry by sharing the word of God with our children.


This is a program to bring communication, reconciliation, forgiveness and hope to marriages.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

This group offers a process for welcoming those who want to be fully initiated into the Roman Catholic Church. This includes those who are not baptized, those baptized in another tradition, and adults asking for the sacrament of Confirmation. Classes begin in October each year and end in the spring.

Rummage Sale

St. Anthony’s Annual Rummage Sale is the biggest fundraiser of the year and features a collection of “treasures” displayed for sale on the last weekend of July. Volunteers join together during the month of July for community building, hard work and the opportunity to provide rummage to the public at a fair price. Proceeds are used to fund special projects.

SAY (St. Anthony’s Youth) Group

High school teens meet on a regular basis and participate in a planned activity a few times a month on Sundays in the parish hall at 6:30 p.m. Dates, times and activities are posted in the weekly bulletin. All high school students are welcome.

St. Anthony’s Boosters

This is a group of active parishioners who help with fundraisers for the Parish to be used for catholic scholarships in education. The Annual Golf Tournament is their main event.

Church Bulletin

The church bulletin is assembled and then distributed at Masses on Saturday and Sunday. All items and announcements for the bulletin must have approval from the office staff and be submitted by the Monday prior to publication.

St. Vincent de Paul Auxiliary

Through special events and fundraisers, this group helps raise money for the SVDP Conference to spend on those in need.

St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference

The St. Vincent de Paul Society serves the needs of the poor within our community. The society is also a means for parishioners to develop their spiritual lives through service to the poor and suffering. Food collection baskets, at the back of church, are used to collect food for St. Anthony’s Pantry. The food is donated to those families with special needs. A special collection for SVDP is taken up on the 5th Sunday of the month to help those in need.

Website Committee

This committee assists in the design and maintenance of St. Anthony’s website.